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Save the World: A Guide to Getting Solar

Save the World: A Guide to Getting Solar

[Article]: It's hard to avoid the natural disasters dominating the news channels in the past few years.

From record heatwaves in Canada, deadly flooding in Germany, and fearsome forest fires in Califonia, global warming now feels like it is already here, rather than a dystopian prediction of the future.

While it might be tempting to feel helpless when witnesses the scale of these disasters, it isn't too late, the trajectory of the Earth's future can still change with enough action.

Here's one thing you can do today to help save the world, using this introductory guide to solar panels.

Can Solar Panels Help Save The World?

The short answer is yes, and here's the explanation.

Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels are contributing to global warming. According to The Environmental Protection Agency, they are the most significant contributor in the United States to our gradually overheating planet.

While we are fuelling our modern lifestyles with traditional fossil fuels to power, heat, and cool our homes, we are part of the problem.

But according to solar and climate change experts (such as Professor Martin Green from the University of New South Wales), it is possible to reverse this trend. You can switch to using greener energy sources like solar power.

How Does Solar Power Work?

Adding solar panels to your home provides your house with renewable solar energy. These panels help convert energy from the sun into power for your home.

You don't even need direct sunlight for these panels to work. The panels are just as effective on a cloudy day, so you can invest in solar panels without living in a sunshine state.

It's the light particles, photons, which hit these silicon and glass solar panels. When the light hits the silicon atoms in the panel, it creates an electric charge. That charge is then converted into energy your home can use.

How You Can Be Part of the Climate Change Solution

If you are ready to move to solar energy, you first need to get solar panels installed. Many people are cautious about the upfront cost of panel installation.

However, since solar power is now more efficient than ever before, you can recoup the cost in as little as seven years, depending on how much power you are using.

Depending on what state you live in, you may be able to find a list of solar panel installation teams who can provide you with a setup quote. In Atlanta, Blue Raven Solar is one such company that operates this type of service.

Some states also offer financial incentives to make it easier for households to go green, so check out what solar rebates, discounts, and offers are available in your local area.

Take Action Now

We cannot be the generation who stands by and watch as the world witnesses catastrophe after catastrophe.

It is time to take action to save the world and start the fight against global warming. Invest in solar power, and become part of the solution.

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Image Attribution: royalty-free image #1477987, 'solar panels, heating, renewable energy' uploaded by user PhotoMIX-Company, retrieved from on July 19th, 2021. License details available at - image is licensed under Creative Commons CC0 license

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