Blog Automation Inside MarketPlace
Lika Electronic launched a New Series of IF55 Gateways
Lika Electronic Srl (Italty) - Lika Electronic launches a new series of gateways to allow integration of SSI encoders into conventional fieldbuses or...
igus® presented with 3 iF Design Awards for their innovative products
Igus GmbH (Germany) - With multiple awards collected in recent years, igus has shown the results of using a combination of user-oriented function and...
Versatile high quality split type AC Current Sensors from PEWATRON
PEWATRON AG (Switzerland) - The SWL series of AC current sensors are ideally suitable for current measurement and power monitoring of terminal feeder...
DFI launches its 7" Fanless Touch Panel PC with IP65 Compliant Front Panel
DFI Inc. (Taiwan) - DFI®, a leading manufacturer offering a wide range of products for diversified industrial applications, announced the KS230-CD in...
The New NA Machine Interface from OMRON is bringing technology to life
Omron (Japan) - Designed following careful analysis of real applications and customer requirements, the new NA machine interface makes it fast and eas...
Opto 22’s New groov Box Offers Mobile Access Anywhere
Opto 22 (USA) - Industrial automation manufacturer Opto 22 has announced a new groov Box (GROOV-AR1) that hosts groov mobile operator interfaces for v...