Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I have a Company selling only on our Local market/region... can I register my company and automation products on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Yes. Our MarketPlace is for both "Global" Companies and also for "Local" Companies... our visitors and users will be able to filter products by country and region and they can find your products.
Q: What is the cost to register ads of used and brand new automation related products, solutions, services and events?
A: The registration of used products is free for private sellers (see the Pricing page for more information). For the registration of used and brand new automation products by companies we charge a small fee per product. Contact us and request a proposal for your company.
Q: Is there any limit on the number of products that can be registered?
A: Yes, it depends on the type of account created and your proposal. See prices and conditions.
Q: If I register my company it will be visible on the directory of Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Yes. All activated businesses accounts will be listed on our directory.
Q: I have an online store/website can I register an account and link the products directly to my online store/website?
A: Yes. Just contact us to activate the "Online Store" mode for your Account.
Q: What are the different types of Business Accounts on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: The companies can choose from two different types of accounts: "Contact Form" and "Online Store". If the account has the "Contact Form" mode activated in each one of the product pages we will activate the contact form functionality to be used by potential customers to contact the company about the product (the company will receive a notification email every time they receive a new message/enquiry). If the account has the "Online Store" mode activated the companies will be able to included a direct link to the company website/online store so that the potential customers can visit their website for more information or to purchase the product (the contact form will be disabled).
Q: What are the currencies available on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Currently we have activated the following currencies: EUR (Euro), GBP (Pound Sterling), USD (US Dollar), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), NZD (New Zealand Dollar), ZAR (South Africa, Rand), BRL (Brazilian Real), CHF (Swiss Franc). Others may be activated upon request. When you create your account you can select which will be currency selected for the prices on your product pages.
Q: Can I register products in other language than English on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Yes. You you are selling only in you own country/market and you use other language than English, you can list the products in your language (for instance: French, Germany, Portuguese, Italian, etc.).
Q: I'm interested to list our company products on Automation Inside MarketPlace but we are not interested to included the selling price. Is possible to register without the price?
A: We recommend all our users to included the selling price of the products so that our visitors can see the the prices, compare with other offers, filter by price, etc. If you can't include the price due to strategic reasons you can add the value "Zero" (0) for those specific products. On the product page it will appear only "Price on request" instead of "Zero".
Q: Do you buy and sell products on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: No. Automation Inside MarketPlace is an Online Markeplace where private sellers and companies can register ads of automation related products and services.
Q: Already sold my product. How can I disable the classified ad Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Just login, go to the list of your ads and archive it as "Sold".
Q: Can I advertise on the Automation Inside MarketPlace banner locations?
A: Yes. Contact us with your requirements so that we can work on your next advertising campaign.
Q: My account is marked as Blocked. What can I do?
A: The users with messages unread for more than 30 days may have their accounts blocked. Your account may also be blocked because your are not following our rules. Contact us and ask to unlock your account.
Q: My Company is already registered on website/directoy... Can I use the same account to use the MarketPlace?
A: No. To use Automation Inside MarketPlace the Companies need to create a separate Company Account directly on our MarketPlace.
Q: I'm looking for a product for personal use at home or for professional use at my company... Can I create a Purchase/Enquiry Like ad entry on Automation Inside MarketPlace ?
A: Yes. You can create a "Purchase Type" of ad and indicate what your are looking for. The suppliers of this kind of products can then contact you and send you proposals. This is a good functionally if you have enquiries, tenders, etc.
If you have other questions or suggestions please use the contact form and send us a message.